'+ Eggs (Organic, Pasture Raised)
'+ Eggs (Organic, Pasture Raised)
(From RambleBramble Farms, Stony Creek Farms, La Basse Cour, or Grasslands Farm)
A dozen eggs from pastured hens fed 100% organic grain.
From RambleBramble: “Our flock of RambleChickens, heritage birds that we incubate and raise ourselves, are fed organically and open pastured on organic red crimson clover and ryegrass. They get lots of snacks from our veggie fields year round, including pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Their feed, which we get from New York’s own Lakeview Organic Grain, is 100% organic, no-soy, and non-GMO. Our older birds enjoy full life retirement here as well.”
From La Basse Cour: “Enjoy our farm fresh brown eggs from our lovely pastured hens. Fun in the sun enjoying insects and seeds and supplemented with 100% certified organic grains ensures flavorful eggs with deep yellow-orange yolks and happy hens at La Basse Cour.”